Plagioclase feldspar


Color: usually colorless, white or gray, also yellow, bluish, reddish, greenish

Streak: Colorless

Luster: vitreous

Habit: Crystals tabular, also prismatic or equant, commonly twinned, massive, cleavable, granular or compact

Hardness: 6 to 6.5

Specific gravity: 2.62 to 2.76

Cleavage: 3; {001} perfect, {010} nearly perfect, {110} imperfect

Tenacity: Brittle

Twinning: Albite-law, polysyntetic twinning

Crystal system: triclinic

Crystal class: bar1

Unit cell:

Synonyms/varieties: there are six members of the plagioclase series defined by their contents of Na and Ca or An content: albite=An0, oligoclase=An20, andesine=An40, labradorite=An60, bytownite=An80 and anorthite100